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Meetinghouse Village - Providing Meaningful, Independent Living Options for Seniors.

Claude Tetreault


With ever-increasing competition and their mission to nurture the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of their residents’ lives, their message needed to be sensitive to their key audience. And of course, occupancy was critical to their long-term viability during volatile economic conditions.


Meetinghouse Village decided to distinguish itself from the competition by promoting openly and honestly their mission to serve the senior population of moderate means with a message that blended God-given hope and the tangible and intrinsic amenities that Meetinghouse has to offer. The development of solid collateral materials along with a consistent digital presence, tempered with custom videos to share their story, marketing and Meetinghouse unified for solid results.

In fact, their waiting lists have become robust and provide an assurance that Meetinghouse Village will be effectively serving area seniors for many years to come.

Meetinghouse Village Jan-Sept 2020

  • Cost per click was down by 15.3%

  • Clicks were up by 52%

"Claude Tetreault and the Tetreault Agency have served as an indispensable partner to Meetinghouse Village. Taking the raw materials of our historic mission, leadership vision, and resource capacity, they helped us crystallize a cohesive message, enhanced by sharp and compelling communications media. But they are more than mere strategists. Laced throughout their approaches is a spirit of wisdom, integrity and sensitivity that enriches and raises their talents to a distinctive and rarified level." - Larry Knowles


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