These businesses and organizations represent some of the clients we have helped succeed.
How can we serve you?
Advent Christian Retirement Communities, Inc.
Aaron's Autoglass
American Outsourced Waste and Recycling (AOWR)
BayCoast Bank
Bear Path Townhome at Burke Mountain, Vermont
Boston Baler & Hydraulics
Boston Dental Group
Bristol Community College
Bristol Pacific Custom Built Homes
Brockton Area Multi-Services, Inc. (BAMSI)
Brockton Housing Authority
Burns Power Tools, Inc.
Chelsea Housing Authority
Coastal Orthopaedics
E.P. Tremblay – insurance, Real Estate, Tax Preparation
F J Storch Building Inspection & Radon Services
Healthy Families Children’s Trust Fund
Highland Pediatrics
HR Supply – division of Highland Restaurant Supply
International Paper Company/BBA Nonwovens
Katie Brown Educational Program
Lapointe Insurance
Lifeline Medical and Diabetic Supplies
Marvin Hagler, former Middleweight Champion of the World, WBA and WBC
Massachusetts National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (Mass NAHRO)
Massachusetts Tobacco Control Group
Master Builders Ministries, Inc.
Meetinghouse Village Independent Senior Living
Medford Housing Authority
People Incorporated
Roma Color, Inc.
Saint Anne’s Hospital
Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Somerset Federal Credit Union
Southcoast Hospital Systems
Subway Sandwiches
Synergy Waste Group
Thomas Chew Boys & Girls Club
Truesdale Health, Inc. (formerly Truesdale Clinic)
Vernon Homes – nursing care, assisted and independent living
Worcester Housing Authority