The number of ways to invest your marketing dollars today are staggering. We help ensure that you’re investing wisely. Whether it be marketing planning, creative development, integrated digital/traditional advertising strategies or media selection, we’ll partner with you and apply tested skills and knowledge to simplify your life and improve results. Tetreault Advertising is an award-winning agency that will put it all together to maximize your return on investment.
It’s the center of your online presence. But, there are key questions that need answers. Will your website be able to grow as your business grows? Is it responsive for all devices? Will you receive ongoing support? Have you integrated video? What price should you pay? Tetreault Advertising can provide analysis, strategy and development that truly fits your business’s unique needs, and integrates with all of your marketing communications.
We provide solutions to help meet your marketing objectives and bring you success in the ever-changing digital landscape. We offer access to technology, resources and most important, data and results to measure your success!
We don’t just write press releases, we look for news opportunities, tell your story well and seek placement with relevant news media. A strategic, well-planned PR program helps your business stay fresh and can augment your marketing effort.
We’re fluent in all the ways to reach and engage your audience. Based on sound planning, we create targeted messages or entire campaigns that engage audiences. Direct mail, print, TV, video, billboard, brochures, and radio? Let’s consider them all. For many clients, an integrated digital/traditional approach works best, and because of our unbiased big-picture thinking, you’ll get just what makes sense for your business.
For all the people out there who might buy your product or service, is your brand the solution to their problem? That’s our focus. We can help you identify what to say, the best way to say it and how to communicate your brand in the marketplace effectively and memorably.
TA transforms the complexity of event planning and execution into seamless, successful outings that earn praise from attendees. Let us handle it all from talent selection to logistics to AV equipment to catering.
Investing in media selection can be the largest part of your marketing budget. We make sure that you are investing those dollars wisely. We identify your key audience and develop the plan that best reaches them via digital and traditional media.
Along with state-of-the-art video, audio, graphic and animation technology comes the talent to make it come alive – that’s where we fit in! Video tells your story and makes your products and services more compelling for consumers. We can get you there!
Good design has that undefinable “something” about it that attracts and holds attention, making just the right visual statement. It engages. Count on us to deliver work with these qualities for any application from website to billboard to direct mail to new logos. Name it, we have the creative horsepower to make it happen.
Whether you need competitor insight, market analysis, an internal marketing/sales review or another type of research, we can provide you the actionable intelligence you need.
When you get right down to it, words plus images (moving or still) are all you’ve got to create an impression and an experience that motivates your audience to act. Better get them right. We can help.
From t-shirts to water bottles, people love and keep tangible freebies. We’re a full-service promotional products provider that can find the perfect branded item to put in the hands of your fans, prospects and employees. Promotional products integrate perfectly with direct mail programs to increase open rates dramatically.